Why Your Fitness Progress Stalls Without Gratitude (And How to Fix It)
What if, instead of focusing on what your body can’t do, you celebrated everything it can? This Thanksgiving week in the Embrace Your Real podcast, let’s shift from guilt and comparison to gratitude and abundance. Your fitness path is uniquely yours—why not find joy in it?
Gratitude is a powerful tool for transforming your mindset. By appreciating your body’s current strength and progress, you can let go of perfectionism and embrace consistency. Even small acts of thankfulness, like journaling or acknowledging daily wins, can elevate your self-confidence and enrich your journey toward health and happiness.
And don’t underestimate the power of quiet moments. Driving without distractions or savoring silence during your routine creates space for reflection and connection with life’s simple pleasures. It’s not about adding more to your plate—it’s about repurposing time you already have into meaningful moments.
I also discuss:
(02:04) Gratitude Transforming Fitness Goals
(09:38) Expressing Gratitude Strengthens Relationships
(18:30) Benefits of Keeping a Journal
and more!
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[00:00:00] Hey there, beautiful human. You're listening to Embrace Your Real with Me, Julie Ledbetter. A podcast where I empower you to just be you with each episode and issue a dose of real talk and actionable advice for building your. [00:00:13][12.6]
[00:00:13] Confidence, honoring your body and unconditionally loving your authentic self. [00:00:17][3.9]
[00:00:18] Stay tuned. If you're ready to embrace your real, let's get hands, girl. [00:00:21][3.7]
[00:00:27] Hello and welcome back to another episode on the Embrace Real podcast. I want to talk about something that's often overlooked when it comes to reaching your fitness goals, and that is gratitude. And since it's Thanksgiving week, I only feels natural to spend the week talking about gratitude, as it's really something that I don't think many of us have enough of in our lives. It's easy to always feel like, you know, the grass is greener on the other side and that everyone else has a better life or a better body or stronger or fitter or whatever it is. But when we really pause to be grateful for what we already have, I truly believe that something shifts. Like we stopped striving for more. And instead we choose to find joy and contentment in the present. Now, this doesn't mean that you have to give up on working towards your goals. It just means that you approach them from a place of abundance rather than lack. And that's where we want to be. So before we dive in, I want to share this review. It comes from Indi Gaffney. She gave a five star review and said, I found out about movement with Julie from Pinterest and I'm so glad that I did. Her Pinterest clips are so fun and I listen to the podcast and I actually just join the movement with Julie App. All these helped motivate me on my fitness journey and her kind words are so motivational. It is a must. Listen, I love this so much. Thank you so much indeed for tuning into the podcast. And also I'm so grateful that you found me over on Pinterest. Shout out to my Pinterest crew. I know there's been a couple of views in the past years from Pinterest, and so I'm so grateful that you have found not only the Pinterest page but joined the app and are tuning into the podcast weekly. That makes me so, so happy. And thank you so much for taking time out of your day to send in that review. All right. Let's first really dive into how gratitude can really transform your fitness goals. There are so many ups and so many downs, and so how do we really use gratitude to help us through the, you know, the valley lows and the mountain peaks? In fitness? Like anything, it's so easy to zero in on what's missing. Like, maybe you're wishing for a stronger body, a leaner body, a skinnier body, a lower number on the scale, a better body composition. You name it, you know it. While having these goals to strive for is absolutely something that you can do. Obviously not like going to the extreme where saying like, I, you know, my body's not good enough and so I'm going to punish my body. But you can absolutely have fitness goals and those are healthy and those are motivating. But focusing too much on what you haven't achieved yet is really only going to leave you feeling like you're always falling short. Right? And this is where gratitude becomes a game changer. Like it shifts your mindset from one of lack to one of abundance. And so when you practice gratitude, you really start to see the beauty in the now. Like instead of obsessing over where you think you should be, you begin to appreciate where you already are and you recognize the strength in your body, the progress you made, and the fact that you're showing up for yourself. You remember that your body, no matter what stage that it's in, is an incredible gift. Like it grows, it moves, it adapts. And that is something to celebrate every single day. Gratitude also really does transform the way that you treat yourself, Like when you approach your fitness journey with appreciation for your body, you're more likely to be kind to it. You stop seeing a missed workout or an indulgent treat as a failure and instead you really understand that taking care of your body is a long term commitment and that one missed workout or one unplanned disaster isn't going to undo the progress that you've made. Gratitude really does help you let go of the guilt and really refocus on what truly matters, which is consistency and self appreciation. But probably the most important thing that gratitude helps us with, and probably one of the things that many of you struggle with the most and myself included, I'm talking to myself like just as much as I'm talking to you is comparison. Let's be real. Comparison is something that we all face. Scrolling on Instagram, scrolling on, TikTok, scrolling on social media, looking around at other women at the gym or other women, you know, even at the grocery store or at the park or wherever you are, comparing your mom bod to other mom bod like whatever it is, it often stems from feeling like we're lacking something, whether it's progress, whether it's success, whether it's confidence. But comparison only robs us of joy and it keeps us stuck in the cycle of never enough. And that's where gratitude comes in. Gratitude really does shift your focus from what's missing to what you already have. It helps you appreciate your strengths, your unique journey, and the progress that you've made, leaving less room for insecurity and comparison. When you focus on all the good that you have in your life, you'll find confidence and joy in your own path instead of getting distracted by someone else's. Remember this Your journey is yours alone and gratitude helps you fully embrace it, knowing that you are okay and that you are where you're at for a reason. It also really does for you from the trap of perfectionism. Like gratitude. It reminds you that progress is a goal and not perfection. Like every wrap, every step, every healthy choice that you are making, that adds up. Even if it's not perfect, you begin to realize that this journey itself is worth appreciating, not just the destination. Okay, so now think about how this positive cycle of gratitude can really build momentum. Like when you are grateful for what your body can do, you're more motivated to continue to show up for yourself. Not out of punishment, but out of love and out of self respect. Gratitude feels this consistency which leads to progress, which reinforces our appreciation for our body. Let me say that again. Gratitude fuels consistency, which leads to progress, which reinforces your appreciation for your body. And over time, this mindset is really going to help you celebrate your wins, no matter how small it compounds into reaching your goals. And now let's kind of look at gratitude through the lens of your entire life. Like, how does gratitude affect the feel of your life? Hear me out. When you practice gratitude daily, you actually start to notice all of the small, often overlooked moments that bring you joy and meaning to your days. It's the sound of your child's laughter. It's the warmth of a hug from a loved one, or the piece of sipping coffee in the stillness of morning. These little things seem so small and so ordinary. But when you pause to appreciate them, they actually become extraordinary. And gratitude really does help you shift your focus from what's missing to what's already present in your life. It's this powerful reminder that happiness is not waiting somewhere down the road tied to a future achievement or a milestone. Let me say that again. Happiness is not waiting somewhere down the road tied to a future achievement or milestone. Instead, it is found in the here and now. Right now it is in the beauty of the everyday moments, the privilege of moving your body, the support of friends and family, and even the challenges that you are facing that help you grow. When you stop to be thankful for these things, you realize how full your life already is. And what's even more transformative is how gratitude impacts your mindset about your goals and your self appreciation. Like it's so easy to fall into the trap of thinking. Once I achieve this, I'll finally feel good enough. But gratitude really does flip this script like it allows you to see that you are where you are right now for a reason, like you are in this place, in this path, on this particular part of the road, in your life for a reason. And of course, this doesn't mean that you, you know, stop setting goals. It just means that gratitude helps you approach your goals from a place of abundance rather than lack. Like I keep saying this, but it really needs to be heard. Instead of striving to fill a void, you're motivated by a sense of possibility, a sense of excitement for what is ahead, and you can appreciate the progress that you've made while still working towards what you want, knowing that your worth is not tied to an outcome and knowing that everything that you're experiencing right now is the way that it's supposed to be. Try to find the beauty in that. And when you live in gratitude, it really does. Life really does become less about striving for more and more about enjoying what's already here. It's a mindset that really does cultivate contentment. It cultivates joy and fulfillment in every area of your life. Like gratitude reminds you that you don't need to wait for a perfect moment to feel happy. You can find happiness in the imperfect, the messy, the beautiful moments that make up your every day. So yes, all of this sounds great, but how do you actually practice gratitude? How do you make it a staple in your life and not just something that you do once and forget? Here's the thing. Gratitude doesn't need to be this formal practice. You don't have to have a journal and journal, things that you're grateful for every single morning, which although that does and can help, or you don't have to sit in meditation to feel its effects, of course that can be helpful. Again, to slow down and really be mindful. But let me kind of walk you through five super easy ways to integrate gratitude seamlessly into your life. Number one, just tell people that you're grateful for them. It is easy to think about the people in our lives and feel a quiet sense of gratitude for them. Like maybe you reflect on how lucky you are to have a best friend who always shows up for you or a partner who loves you and supports you. Those thoughts alone, yes, are powerful. When you take the next step and express that gratitude out loud, something truly magical happens. Telling someone why you appreciate them not only brightens their day, it strengthens that bond between you. It lets them know that no matter what and no matter where they are, that you actually value them. Like just a simple, quick text, a simple phone call, a face time, or a heartfelt comment to someone can really make them feel seen, valued and loved. For example, just text your best friend. Hey, I just. Want you to know how appreciative I am of your support. You're always there for me. It means the world. Or just say, you know, to your husband or your significant other. I'm so grateful for how thoughtful you are. Like you make my life so much better. What's even better about this, though, is that it actually deepens your own gratitude. Like you shift from simply noticing their positive impact to actively acknowledging it, which creates this stronger emotional connection not just with them, but with the good in your life. And it's so, so important to pay attention to all the good that you have. And this is just one simple way to do it. So don't let those thoughts of gratitude stay in your head the next time you catch yourself thinking of how lucky or blessed or grateful you are that someone is in your life. Say it out loud. You'll start to notice a shift in your relationships and in yourself. Number two. Thank yourself for showing up every time that you take a step towards your health or your wellbeing, or you take a step towards putting yourself first, no matter how small it seems, you're making an investment in yourself. And that is something worth acknowledging. Whether it's a tough workout, it's a healthy meal that you prepped or even choosing to rest when your body needs it. Those are all acts of self-care that deserve recognition. But I literally want you to think yourself like say it out loud. Like when you pick up your first set of dumbbells for your workout, say, Hey, thanks for showing up today. When you get in bed early, say, Hey, thanks for prioritizing rest. I needed it. Or when you say no to doing something that you don't have time for. Say, Hey, thanks for setting boundaries. I appreciate you for doing that. It's really easy to go through these motions and move on to the next thing without pausing to appreciate what you actually just did for yourself. But taking a moment to thank yourself can be so transformative when you say, you know, I'm grateful that I showed up for myself for today, or I appreciate that I listened to my body and gave it what it needed. You are reinforcing the value of those actions, and it's a way of telling yourself this matters and I matter. This kind of self gratitude isn't just about feeling good in the moment, but it also builds confidence. When you recognize your efforts, you're reminded of your ability to prioritize your health and take a step towards your goals. Over time, this is going to create this positive feedback loop, right? The more that you think yourself, the more motivated you'll feel to keep showing up and making choices that align with your well-being. Gratitude towards yourself also helps shift your mindset from one obligation to one of empowerment. Instead of thinking, I have to work out. You really start to see this as I get to take care of my body. And I'm so grateful that I can, instead of feeling guilty for taking a rest day, say, I am so proud of myself for listening to my body and giving it what it needs to recover. This small habit of pausing to think yourself turns ordinary moments into opportunities for growth and self-compassion. It's a reminder that every healthy choice that you're making, whether big or small, is a way of honoring yourself and the life that you want to create. So the next time you complete a workout or you prep a nourishing meal or even take time to rest, don't just move on. Pause, reflect and give yourself the gratitude that you deserve. You are doing amazing things and you are worth celebrating. Number three Drive in silence and reflect. We live in a world that is constantly buzzing with noise, whether it's music, its podcasts, its social media, the endless notifications from our phone. And while those things can be fun and even productive at times, they do also leave very little room for stillness. And that's why carving out intentional quiet moments is so important, and that daily drive is a perfect opportunity to do that. So next time maybe you're in the car. Turn off the noise. No playlist, no podcasts, no mindless scrolling while you're parked. Just silence. Yes, it might feel a little strange, especially if you're used to filling every single second with something. But once you settle into the quiet, you will actually notice how much space it creates for reflection. Use this time to think about things that you're grateful for. Start with the big blessings, your health, your loved ones, or the opportunity that you've been given. And then dive deeper into the smaller, everyday moments that often go unnoticed. The way that your coffee tasted this morning, a kind word from a friend or the fact that you woke up today with another chance to move towards your goals. This practice doesn't just cultivate gratitude, it actually helps to slow you down. It helps you to connect to the present moment. I recognize how much you already have to be thankful for. The best part is it's easy to incorporate into your daily routine. No extra time needed, just a shift in focus. By using this time to reflect on gratitude, you're transforming what could be a mundane task into a meaningful ritual. I want you to try it and watch how it shift perspective throughout the day. And if taking a silent drive right now in this season of life is not something that you can do. Think about little pockets in your day that you can do. Maybe, you know, while you work out. You're used to blasting music or podcasts or watching something instead, maybe say, okay, half the work out, I'm going to work out in silence. Just focus on how grateful I am. And practice gratitude. Or for me, I'm in a season of life where breastfeeding literally is a full time job. I'm doing it 5 to 6 times a day and it's, you know, 20 to 30 minutes every single time. Someone early on suggested, hey, take 1 or 2 sessions a week or a day to really just pray or practice gratitude. And I actually have it's actually. Blake is four and a half months and he is very, very distracted right now. And so for me, I have not been able to literally do anything while I feed him, which has really forced me to slow down. And at first I was frustrated because I'm like, I just want to be doing something while, you know, I'm feeding. But then I remember that person, you know, I think I was maybe 4 to 5 weeks postpartum. I read that damn. And I was like, Yeah, yeah, like that sounds good. But and in the moment it was just like I was so exhausted and I was just like, still in that postpartum fog. But now that I'm, you know, four and a half months into this and breastfeeding is a regular part of my day, it's something that has allowed me to slow down. And it has been such a beautiful time for me to reflect on the things that I'm grateful for or pray over Blake or pray over, you know, my future dreams and just the things that I have passions for. And it is just been something, you know, that, again, has been seamlessly integrated into my day to day life, not something additional. Instead, it's just taking time that I already have allotted and just reprioritizing it and making it a meaningful moment. Number four, Thank God in the moment, gratitude really does not have to be complicated. It's as simple as saying thank you God in everyday moments like you don't need to have a journal, a quiet space or bakeries. And I feel grateful and said really focusing on the small blessings like I just mentioned throughout your day, you know, when something goes your way or green light, when you're, you know, running late or a kind word from a friend or just some even a moment of peace in the midst of chaos of kids and all of the crazy things that you have going on in your life, pause and thank God in that instant, the habit of just transforming your ordinary moments into powerful reminders of his presence and goodness in your life is so transformative. Next time you save your your morning coffee, like feel the sun on your face or the cold air, whatever it is, take a deep breath and just let that be an opportunity to connect with gratitude like a quick, heartfelt thank you, Jesus. Thank you, God. That shifts your mindset and really does bring awareness to the blessings that already surround you. And let me tell you over time, these small acknowledgments of God's gift really do build a sense of abundance and fulfillment and no more feelings of lack in comparison. And right now I'm going to say thank you, Jesus, Thank you, Lord, for this platform. I'm so grateful that you are listening to me right now, that you are listening to my voice, that I have this opportunity to speak to you and to remind you to practice gratitude. So I really hope and pray that these moments, these simple, small, meaningful moments will actually transform your life. And last but not least. And number five, keep a journal. I personally do this honestly in this season of my life. It's something that is on the back burner and I need to get back into it. It's something, you know, with time. Right now I'm lacking a little bit of time just having a newborn at home and just still adjusting to, you know, working and having a newborn. But man journaling has single handedly been something that is so transformative. And I think that it's there's something so powerful about putting your thoughts on paper like it really does slow your mind. It helps you to process emotions and create space for reflection. And my favorite thing is it actually can shift your perspective on tough days, reminding you that even when it feels like nothing is working in your favor, you actually have a lot working in your favor and that's always something to be thankful for. I don't know about you, but journaling for me makes me feel gratitude. It makes me feel more real. It makes me feel grounded. And as you look back at your entries, you'll be reminded of how many good things have already happened. It's just a simple way to see how much positivity actually surrounds you. And it's a beautiful thing. And just remember that this is a practice that doesn't require perfection. Like your entries can be as simple as bullet points or as detailed as you like. There are no rules. The key here, though, is consistency. It's this habit of writing each day that reinforces this mindset of gratitude and really does open your eyes to the positive moments that are already present By incorporating this practice into your routine. This can also bring this sense of peace and fulfillment and just appreciation for the small little things. As you continue, you'll actually notice that it becomes easier to spot the good in your day to day making gratitude a natural and integral part of how you see the world. So there you have it. Gratitude truly is one of the most powerful tools that you have, not just for fitness, but living a fulfilling, joy filled life like when you pause to have. Appreciate what you already have. You really do shift your mindset from one of striving to one of contentment, from one of lacking to one of abundance. And so today, I want to challenge you to take a moment to reflect on everything that you have to be grateful for your body, your progress, and all the little things that make your life uniquely and beautifully yours. Gratitude isn't just a practice, it's a way of being. And now that you have the tools, I really want to encourage you to cultivate more of it. If you love this episode, I know you'll also love Episode 193 The Science Behind a Gratitude Practice. It is not as cliché as you think. I will go ahead and link that in the show notes that you can easily go tune in to that, but I hope that you found this helpful. I hope that this encourage you in some way, shape or form to just start practicing gratitude in the small moments of your life and see how it transforms your life. I love you so much. I mean it. And I'll talk to you in the next one. [00:21:18][1250.8]
[00:21:23] All right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you're not already following me on the gram. [00:21:32][8.3]
[00:21:32] Be sure to do so, Julie. A lot better. Yes, it's with an A in the middle. [00:21:35][3.2]
[00:21:36] For that daily poser account. Real talk, healthy tips and tricks and honest. [00:21:40][4.3]
[00:21:41] Accountability to keep your mind. [00:21:42][1.0]
[00:21:42] And heart in check. The second thing, be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts and never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world. [00:21:52][10.4]
[00:21:53] And I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women. [00:21:56][3.0]
[00:21:56] That I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace your real because you're worth it. [00:21:56][0.0]