How to Keep Yourself Challenged When You Don't Have Access to Other Weights


This episode is for the woman who works out at home, doesn’t have a bunch of dumbbells and is looking to get a greater challenge from her workout. Because here’s the thing: working out regularly is great…but even if you’re working out consistently your body will eventually adapt to the weights you’re using, thus not increase the demands you are placing on your body which can and will cause a plateau in your results. If investing in heavier weights right away is not in the cards, there are ways to structure your workouts to increase the demands without more weights.

Things I talked about:

  1. Implement to failure

  2. Superset movements

  3. Circuit training

  4. Drop sets

  5. Pyramid sets

  6. Cardio between sets

  7. Add bands

  8. Change the tempo

  9. Shorter rest between sets

If you want more from me, be sure to check out…

Instagram: @embraceyourreal | @movementwithjulie


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Hey there, beautiful human. You're listening to Embrace Your Real with me, Julie Ledbetter. A podcast where I empower you to just be you. With each episode, I issue a dose of real talk and actionable advice for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned if you're ready to embrace your real. Let's get hugs, girl. Hello. Hello and welcome back to another episode of the Embrace Your Podcast. This episode is for the woman who is working out at home but maybe doesn't have access to a bunch of dumbbells, but you're wanting to get a greater challenge from your workout. Because here's the thing working out regularly is great. 5 to 6 times a week. Even if you're working out consistently, your body will eventually adapt to the weights that you're using, thus not increasing the demands that you're placing in your body, which will then cause you to likely plateau in your results. So if investing in heavier weights right now just isn't in the cards, there are other ways to structure your workouts to increase the demands without adding more weight. So that's exactly what I'm going to be diving into today. I'm going to be giving you nine kind of creative ways or things that you can implement in your workouts. Ideally, you're not going to be doing this all at once. You can kind of pick one or two to implement into your next workout, but have this bookmark this so that you'll have it next time. You kind of go into your workout. If you are feeling like you need to challenge yourself but you just don't have access to heavier weights.

Before I dove in, I wanted to share this super sweet reveal comes from CB 2494. She gave a five star review and said Helps my mindset. I'm so thankful for Embrace Your Role. It helps me remind myself to give myself grace and how little implements each day can truly make the difference quick and to the point, but loaded with amazing content and information to keep you on the right path to feeling good and confident. Again, I love this so much. Thank you for the review. You guys already know I'm going to ask you to leave your rating and review if this podcast has helped you in any way that has made one ask of you and you can scootch over to Apple Podcasts, a tape in Embrace or Real. And once you're on that page, you can scroll all the way down and leave the rating interview. It just helps us, me and our team so much, just knowing what is helping you. And it also helps people that happen to stumble upon the podcast, whether they found it from a friend or they found it from the Apple charts or whatever, they're able to then see, okay, this is how this podcast is helping someone else. That's actually what I'm needing. And so they take a listen. So thank you in advance for doing it. I know it's kind of an ask. It does take a few minutes of your day, but I sincerely appreciate you and thank you in advance for doing that. Okay, so let's dove into the nine ways to keep yourself challenged when you don't have access to heavier or other weights.

Number one is implementing to failure. So implementing to failure essentially means performing the exercise with no determine reps. So you're going to continue to do this exercise until it's literally impossible for you to perform one more rep. This means that you don't quit when it gets hard. You literally quit when it gets impossible for you to do one more rep. Now, this is going to be the movement. This is going to be the type of style of training that you are going to put your headphones in, you put your favorite playlist on and just get to work. So this means you're going to be squatting until you can't squat anymore, or you're going to be doing bicep curls until you can't curl anymore. You are going to keep going until you ultimately failed to do one more rep, hence why it's called to failure. So kind of what does this look like when programing your workout? Well, if you don't have access to heavier weights and you need heavier weights, your program maybe requires four sets of 12 for bench press. Instead of doing four sets of 12, you would literally go for sets until you cannot do it anymore. So say, for example, you're following my Julie app and you're like, okay, I know that I can do heavier weights on this, but I just don't have access to it. Try to implement to failure and see what that does. Make sure that when you're doing this that you are resting for an adequate amount. So maybe the rest time goes up by a minute or a minute and 30 seconds just to make sure that you are fully repairing those muscles so that you can go back into the next set, crushing another to failure.

Number two is to super set movement. So essentially super setting movements is when you combine two exercises back to back. Now if you are inside of a movement Julie app, you're very familiar with super sets. We do them all the time. So you're performing one set of an exercise and then next set of a different exercise back to back with no rest. Once you're done with one set of both of those exercises, you're resting for about 30 seconds and then you're repeating it for the amount of rounds that it's called for. There's two different types of super sets that you can do. So the first set of super set is that you are working to different muscles. So let's say for example, you're doing a chest pass going directly into back rows. Well, the first exercise you are obviously working your chest, secondary muscles are going to be shoulders and triceps. And then if like say for example, straight into bent over back rows, you're going to obviously be working your back, but you're also going to be working some of your shoulders, some of your rear delts, as well as your triceps and your core. So you're using all different muscles. But this is kind of a great way to fatigue your muscles. And I love super sets, hence why I use them all the time in my programing. The other type. Superset is one that is targeting the same muscle group. So for example, maybe you want to target your biceps, you are doing a bicep curls, a strain on bicep curl to hammer curl. So the first exercise you're doing, 12 reps of the bicep curls straight into ten reps of the hammer curl. You're resting for 30 seconds and then you're repeating that for the amount of rounds that you want to go.

So that is superset number three, circuit training. So circuit training kind of builds off of superset. So instead of having two exercises back to back, you're taking multiple exercises and you're performing them in a row without a break and then you're resting. Once you complete all of those exercises, once you're doing one set of each exercise back to back to back to back, and then you're resting and then you're repeating it. Typically, circuits are essentially four or more exercises back to back. I've seen some people do three or more. I just I've also seen people name three exercises back to back as a tri set. So whether it's a tri set or a circuit, just know that essentially a circuit is three or more exercises back to back to back to back. And then you're resting and then you're repeating that again. So for example, it might be single like squats into sumo squats into glute bridges in two step ups, into lunges, into glute kickbacks, into deadlifts, into banded jump squats. So that would be one giant circuit is what I call it inside my movement with app. I mean, those typically are for the 30 minute workouts. I do giant circuits, so that would be a giant circuit. You could also do multiple circuits in your workout if you prefer to break that up. So instead of doing one giant circuit, you would do two circuits and you would do four exercises each circuit. So let's say, for example, circuit one would be single leg squats, two sumo squats, two glute bridges, two step ups. You'd rest for 2 to 3 minutes and then repeat, and then you would go into once you're done with that entire the amount of rounds that you want to do, you would then go into circuit two, which would be lunges, glute kickbacks, deadlifts, and then banded jump squat. So that would kind of be a great option for you when it comes to circuits. And if you are inside my app, you are definitely familiar with circuits. I love circuits so much because they're just so time effective and they're also so efficient when it comes to working your muscles as well as fun. I don't know about you, but I prefer to just switch it up constantly and do like a giant circuit and have fun and work different muscle groups rather than doing like one single exercise and do four sets of that into another exercise and do four sets of that. It just to me that gets kind of boring and I get burnt out.

Number four is drop set. So this is another way of structuring your sets. So there are many ways to do job sets based on how many reps you decide to do, but essentially you're doing one less rep each set or you're doing two less reps each set. So let's say, for example, you on set one, you're doing 15 reps of the exercise, maybe on set two you're doing 14 reps set 313 reps set for 12 reps. If you do have access to weights, like if you just want to implement drop sets and you do have access to weights, obviously the higher number of reps you want to go lighter and then the lower number of reps you can try to push it and go heavier. So once you are kind of getting deep into your drop set, so like let's say on set five or six, you're doing, you know, ten or nine reps, you can really try to push yourself in terms of the weight because it's a lower amount of reps. If you obviously I'm talking to the woman who doesn't have tons of weights available. So in this case, this is just a great way to kind of burn your muscles and it's a fun way to train. I love doing drop sets. They're really, really fun. You can implement drop sets into your super sets or circuits, so you could do like super set, drop set. I know that sounds kind of funny or you can do a drop set circuit, so that is a great way to do it. Another way that I mentioned earlier is that you don't have to go by ones. You could go by twos or fours and so you could drop you. So essentially dropping down by twos would be like set one would be 20 reps set to would be 18 reps, set three would be 16 reps and so on and so forth. There's so many ways to get creative when it comes to drop sets.

Number five is pyramid set. A pyramid set is very, very similar to drop sets, except you are not just working your way down, you're working your way down and then you're working your way up again. So for example, you're dropping from 14 to 10 reps, then you'd work your way back up again and again. You can combine these with super sets or you can combine them on your circuits. I know that these different set structures can sound very complicated when I'm telling you you're like, Oh my gosh, that's so many numbers. But if you want to make things very, very simple, I have the. A few tips for you. Do not involve any sort of drop sets or super sets or pyramid sets or anything like that. There's some other creative ways that you can implement into your workout.

So number six is cardio in between sets, and this is kind of where you keep everything the same in your programing, but instead of taking a rest, you're doing some sort of cardio instead. So maybe you're designating 60 seconds in between, like when you're resting for your rounds, in between your rounds or your super sets for your circuits, you're doing like mountain climbers or jump roping or sprints. I mean, if people want to get outside and do some sprints, that's awesome. Get super creative. When it comes to your cardio in-betweens, let's say, for example, you're doing a super set, so you're doing your 12 reps of chest press and then you're doing ten reps of back rows. Then when it says rest instead of resting, going straight into rest, you can go straight into cardio for 60 seconds of jump roping and then you would rest and then you complete that again. So tons of ways to get creative when it comes to adding in cardio between your sets or your rounds if you're doing circuit training.

Number seven is to add bands so you can purchase sets of bands that can greatly increase your resistance without needing any space. Essentially, like the bands that I recommend on Amazon are amazing and they don't take up like any space at all. And they're also great for travel because you are able to do so many movements that you couldn't otherwise. Like if you don't have access to dumbbells, you would still be able to do like bicep curls or lateral raises or shoulder press or squats. But if you do have dumbbells and you also have bands, they'll just increase your resistance. So let's say, for example, you only have £25 for squats, but you're ready to squat more, but you don't have access to newer dumbbells. Get some bands so you could easily up your resistance, you know, 25 to £30 by holding a pair of dumbbells and bands at the same time. Another type of band that I recommend is the hip band, also known as our Booty Pump Band, and that is our fabric resistance band that essentially I use a lot for in my programing when it comes to lower body movements. But you can also use them for upper body arm exercises like shoulder fat raises, tricep dips, kickbacks. Rose You can get super, super creative when it comes to using bands. Literally what I recommend doing is looking up on YouTube like banded bench press or banded pushups or banded, whatever it is, and you will see that people get so stinking creative when it comes to bands and workouts. So that's a great way to increase your resistance, especially if you do have some resistance bands that you can add in that will easily increase your weights without you needing to get new dumbbells.

Number eight, you can change the tempo. So there's a lots of ways of changing the tempo when it comes to your lifts. Typically without even realizing it. Naturally, your tempo is 2 seconds up, 2 seconds down or somewhere around there, but there's some ways that you can change it up to increase the intensity so you can increase the tempo on the eccentric side of the lift. And this is where you're lengthening the muscle. So, for example, when you're standing up from a squat, you're lengthening your muscle. So when you squat down for 2 seconds and then press back up and 4 seconds, this means that you're taking the entire 4 seconds to press back up to your standing position so you can squat or you could swap that around and change the tempo on the concentric side of the lift. So this is where you're contracting your muscles. So for example, when you squat down to that 90 degrees, you're contracting your muscle, you're making it shorter. So what you would want to do is you would squat down so on your way down for seconds and then explode at press up in 2 seconds. This means that you're taking the entire 4 seconds to squat down to 90 degrees. You could also even add a pulse to the lift. You may be want to squat down, do the pulse, two or three pulses and then press back up. You can also do a hold so you would squat hold for 5 seconds, then press back up. Like I said there you can get so creative when it comes to tempos. I love tempos. I love tempo training because it's really, really fun. And that is an easy, easy, fast way for you to actually feel the muscles in lifts that you do so often, and especially if you don't have access to heavier weights to challenge the your muscles and increase the demand on your body. A tempo will for sure do that for you.

Number nine, a shorter rest between sets. So obviously this is a very, very simple one, but this is one that can be super effective in your workout. So instead of resting for a minute, try for 45 seconds. Then if you did a 45 seconds and you feel like you're you know, you're stronger, you feel like you could rest less, try 30 seconds. One thing that I do want to recommend is that you are making sure that. Resting an adequate amount of time. You never want to put yourself at risk of injury when you are implementing these methods simply because you're trying to increase the demands on your body. Because if you do that, you enjoy yourself, then you're going to be out of the game entirely. And I don't want that for you, so be smart with that. You can also decrease your rest time as your sets go up. So let's say, for example, after set one, you're resting for 60 seconds. Then after set two, you're resting for 45 seconds. Then after set three resting for 30 seconds and so on and so forth. But that is a great way to implement and kind of increase the demand on your body without needing heavier weights or dumbbells. Okay. So there you have it. Super simple, quick and to the point, the nine ways to place higher demands on your body when you don't have access to heavier weights. Let me do a quick recap. So, number one, implementing to failure. Number two, super setting movements. Number three, circuit training, number four, drop setting, number five, pyramid sets. Number six, cardio between sets. Number seven, adding bands. Number eight, changing the tempo. And number nine, shorter rest between sets. I hope that this was helpful for you. I hope that this gave you some good insight and also just inspiration to know that there are countless ways that you can implement and increase those demands on your body without ever needing heavier dumbbells.

Obviously, if you can get some heavier dumbbells in the future, that's going to be super beneficial to your training. But I fully understand that they're an investment. They take time to save up to get them, and so you can do these things. In the meantime, like I mentioned earlier, you don't want to try all of these things at once. I would pick one, implement it into your workout, see how you like it, see how it goes, maybe implement another one, see how you like it, see how it goes, and so on and so forth. If you are ready to commit to working out at home with some dumbbells, all you need is a small space, a pair of dumbbells and your phone.

You can check out my Movement by Julie app. You can go over there to sail that's Sally Dot movement with Julie dot com Every single Saturday at 12 p.m. Mountain Standard Time, I release five brand new workouts for you if you want to do all five of them. Amazing. If you only want to do three or four of them, that's incredible too. We have women of all shapes and sizes from all around the world that are loving these dumbbell workouts. And all you need, like I said, is a pair of dumbbells, a small space and your phone and you can gain instant access by heading to sale that’s That is all that I have for today's episode. If you have a friend or someone in your life that you feel like would really benefit from this specific topic, I just ask that you share it out with them. You can copy the link, send it to them in a text message. You can also screenshot this and post it up on your Instagram story. Be sure to tag me at movement with Julie on Instagram. That is my demo only workout account where I am posting every single day dumbbell workouts and tips and tricks and all the things so that you can be successful working out at home with a small space and a few pairs of dumbbells. So be sure to tag with Julie. I love, love, love connecting with you guys. Also, we do have an embrace. You really count where I share all of my snippets of all of the episodes, so be sure to follow that as well. On Instagram it's just embrace your real I love you so much and I will talk to you in the next episode. All right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so, Julie. A lot better. Yes, it's with an A in the middle for that Daily Post workout. Real talk. Healthy tips and tricks and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world and I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember, that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace Syria because you're worth it.

Julie LedbetterComment