7 Workout Mistakes You Are Probably Making

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Alright sisters, who’s tired of working hard and not seeing the results you want?

I feel you!

I struggled for years to reach my health and fitness goals, which left me feeling confused and hopeless. I never want you to feel the same and that’s why I’m sharing these seven workout mistakes you are probably making, and suggestions for what you can do instead.

When you fix these mistakes, I can guarantee you will build the body you want!

Workout mistake #1: You think you have to do complicated workouts to see results.

While there is technically nothing wrong with doing complicated movements and workout routines, it’s not necessary for seeing the results you want. With that being said, overcomplicating your workouts typically causes one or more of the following:

  1. They cause you to feel self-conscious because you don’t feel confident performing the movements (and you think everyone is staring at you doing them wrong.) You dread going to the gym because you hate feeling silly trying to figure out these complicated movements and you would rather just skip your workout.

  2. They cause you to lose all your motivation. The thought of trying to figure out your confusing workout seems way too exhausting and you just can’t find the motivation to do it. So you would rather just skip it.

  3. They cause you to overthink whether or not you’re doing the right workout routine. They make you overthink what reps, sets, variations, exercises and rest time are right for seeing the best rests. You dread going to the gym because you feel too overwhelmed, and again you would rather just skip your workout.

What do all three of these have in common? They cause you to skip your workout.

Consistency is the key to seeing results. If your complicated workout routine is stopping you from being consistent, you need to rethink what you’re doing and why.

Make it simple. There have been zero studies done to prove that the more complicated the workout you do, the better results you will see. Simple movements and simple workouts are just as effective, if not more, because they’re workouts you will actually do regularly.

Better results don’t come from complicated movements, they come from moving consistently.

Consistency is the key to seeing results. If your complicated workout routine is stopping you from being consistent, you need to rethink what you’re doing and why.

Workout Mistake #2: You think you need invest in a bunch of equipment or a gym membership.

When people overcomplicate their workout routine, they also think they need a bunch of equipment or a gym membership to see maximum results. Guess what? This couldn’t be further from the truth!

I’m not going to lie to you, I’m guilty of this mistake. I used to think I had to be inside a gym, using all the fancy machines to get a great workout and any other workout didn’t count. Eventually I got extremely burned out from going to the gym all the time, leading me to make the decision to start working out at home. Although, when I initially made this decision, I was convinced I had to invest in a bunch of expensive equipment to get a high-quality workout.

Thankfully I realized this is not the case! Like I said before, working out doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t need all the fancy machines and contraptions to get a killer workout. I’ve gained so much more strength by just working out at home with some dumbbells and resistance bands.

Since realizing I don’t need a lot of equipment, or even a gym to work out in, I’m so much more consistent. I can work our anywhere, anytime, without a problem.

I design my weekly moves to use very basic "home-gym" essentials: a bench, a pair (or two) of dumbbells, and resistance bands with handles. That's it. No–really. And I don’t even need a bench; a chair, couch, or sturdy coffee table works just fine. Plus, sometimes I use handled-resistance bands instead of dumbbells and still get an effective workout.

Sound good to you? Sign up for my workout app, Movement With Julie, and I’ll show you how you can workout with minimal equipment, too! Whether you’re traveling, are short on time, are intimidated by all the equipment at your gym or you just hate going to the gym, you’re going to love these workouts.

I design my weekly moves to use very basic "home-gym" essentials: a bench, a pair (or two) of dumbbells, and resistance bands with handles. That's it.


Workout Mistake #3: You think you have to spend hours working out to see the results you want.

Yes, you heard that right: You don’t need to spend hours at the gym to see the results you want.

Believe it or not, your results are not dependent on the duration of your workout, they’re dependent on your intensity.

Your body changes when the demands you place on it change. When the demands change, your body is forced to adapt. And when your body adapts, it transforms. This means you need to continue to challenge yourself with each workout.

Making your workout longer isn’t the only way to increase the challenge and place new demands on your body. Can you push yourself to do three extra reps? Can you challenge yourself to pick up heavier dumbbells? Can you force yourself to finish the circuit without taking a break? How can you increase your intensity?

And, let’s be real: Long workouts are not maintainable long term. If you want to see real results that actually last, you need to establish a workout routine that is sustainable in your everyday life.

And, if you do make long workouts a lifestyle, they May cause you to experience symptoms of overtraining. You’ll feel constantly fatigued, you’ll lack motivation, your body will take longer to recover, you’ll constantly feel sore and your appetite will be uncontrollable.

No thank you!

Forget those long workouts. Focus on intensity over duration.

Long workouts are not maintainable long term. If you want to see real results that actually last, you need to establish a workout routine that is sustainable in your everyday life.


Workout Mistake #4: You think cardio is the best way to train for weight loss.

I know what you‘re thinking: You burn more calories while doing cardio than resistance training and that’s why you always opt for a good cardio session.

But, if you want defined muscles, or if you want to completely transform your body, doing endless cardio isn’t the answer. Multiple studies have proven that resistance training is the key to maximizing fat loss and building your dream body.

While you’re not wrong thinking cardio burns more calories during your workout, resistance training will have you burning more calories around the clock. How? Muscle burns three times more calories than fat. And the only way to build more muscle is through resistance training.

Plus, resistance training allows you to reshape your body composition by building lean, tone muscles. I know many of you women out there are scared of getting bulky from resistance training, but trust me when I say, it’s nearly impossible. Resistance training will actually make you appear much leaner since muscle is more dense than fat. I don’t know about you, but I’m all about that!

Muscle burns three times more calories than fat. And the only way to build more muscle is through resistance training.

Mistake #5: You think you only burn calories while working out.

Guess what? Your body is able to burn calories outside the gym! This is another reason you don’t need to spend hours at the gym working out. Because, let’s be honest, who wants to spend hours and hours inside the gym?

How can you burn more calories throughout your day? Be intentional with movement!

There are so many ways to boost your calorie burn without having to spend hours at the gym.

Take your dog for a longer walk, always take the stairs, get up from your desk every hour, go play outside with your kids, practice yoga, and the list goes on and on.

Don’t underestimate the power of small movement. Moving around in simple ways throughout your day makes a major impact on your overall calorie burn, without having to break a sweat.

Also, more movement isn’t the only way to burn more calories outside the gym. You can focus on doing things that boost your metabolism. The faster your metabolism, the more calories your body burns at rest.

Getting more sleep, staying properly hydrated, avoiding eating around the clock, eating more protein, giving your body enough food and fueling your body with nutrient-dense foods are all extremely effective ways to ramp up your metabolism and burn more calories.

Again, if you’re focusing on doing resistant training and building lean muscle, your body will automatically start to burn more calories around the clock.

Don’t underestimate the power of small movement. Moving around in simple ways throughout your day makes a major impact on your overall calorie burn, without having to break a sweat.

Mistake #6: You think you have to “work out” everyday.

In my opinion, working out every single day is the biggest mistake you can make.

It’s so common for people to think if they workout more, they will see better results. They workout every day, or even twice a day, because they think it’s during their workout they are changing their bodies.

Let’s get something clear: Muscle growth and fat loss do not happen during your workouts. The magic happens when you are at rest.

Believe it or not, during your workouts you are actually breaking your muscle down. With each sprint or with each lift, you are tearing your muscle fibers. Which means the more you do, the more muscle you‘re breaking down.

If you work our every day, you’re never giving your muscles the opportunity rebuild and grow. You can work as hard as you want in the gym, but without rest, you will never see the results you want.

Plus, working out every single day can cause negative affects on your hormones, women especially. Working out is a type of stress. When your body is stressed, it triggers one of your “flight or fight” stress hormones, cortisol, to sky rocket. When your cortisol levels are chronically high, they increase your appetite and food cravings, and slow your digestion and metabolism.

I always prioritize two rest days a week, no matter what. This helps me come back to my workouts with more energy, enthusiasm and intensity, which helps me see better results.

If you work our every day, you’re never giving your muscles the opportunity rebuild and grow. You can work as hard as you want in the gym, but without rest, you will never see the results you want.


Mistake #7: You’re going to the gym without a plan.

What happens when you go the gym without a plan?

  • You don’t consistently work every muscle group

  • You only do the exercises you like and never push yourself outside your comfort zone

  • You waste time wandering around trying to figure out which exercises you want to do

  • You don’t push yourself to the max because your workout is all over the place

  • You can’t track your progress

  • You aren’t consistent because you don’t have a plan holding you accountable. So why not skip your workout today?

  • You feel self-conscious at the gym because you have no idea what you’re doing

All these things will stop you from seeing the results you want.

You want a plan? I got you! I’ve worked so hard to ensure my Movement With Julie app gives you an easy-to-follow plan that is quick, effective and fun! Not only will it help you feel confident while working out, but it will help you be more efficient with your time and help you build the body you want! Learn more here.

Which mistakes are you making and what are you going to do to correct them? Comment below! I would love to hear from you.